It is not uncommon for a person who gets into a car accident on New York roads to miss some time from work. However, missing time from work means not getting a paycheck. For many, missing just one paycheck is enough to create a difficult financial situation. Accident victims don’t only have to cover their everyday living expenses, but they might also cover expenses associated with their accidents.
Reimbursement for lost wages
Suppose another person was responsible for their injuries. In that case, they might have the right to reimburse the person for the lost wages if the personal injury resulting from a car accident prevents them from gaining back to work and earning their income.
Compensating an accident victim for the financial loss that directly results from their accident may involve paying economic damages. This category includes lost work benefits and lost wages. Economic damages encompass lost wages, overtime, benefits and other financial losses. The goal is to put the accident victim back into the position they were in financially before the injury occurred. An award for lost wages should achieve this.
Compensation for employees
Employers may provide employee benefits packages that include paid time off, personal days or sick days. Many car accident victims utilize their paid time off (PTO) for recovery. This enables them to maintain a continuous income despite being unable to work. While this may serve as a suitable short-term solution, it can pose long-term risks.
PTO, sick days and other paid leave options are intended for the employee’s discretion. They should not be required to utilize vacation or sick time due to injuries caused by someone else’s negligence. If later in the year the individual falls ill or faces a family emergency, they might encounter difficulties because they have already used their PTO to cover the accident.
Automobile accidents can seriously affect a person’s physical, mental, emotional and financial health. Thankfully, there are mechanisms in place to allow individuals to be compensated for any paid benefits or lost wages related to the accident.